Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

The Art of Closing

Be sure never to lose sight of the results, benefits, and advantages of YOUR merchandise, YOUR product, YOUR sales package!

The art of making quick closes is in having confidence that you have picked the right “sizzles” for the customer and in reflecting your confidence so as to inspire the other person. Say:

“I feel sure this will fit your particular need.” “This is the best type for your purpose.” “This will work better for your specific requirement.” “I am sure this is just the right one for you.” “You will find this most convenient for your purpose.” “You will enjoy this one very much, I know.”

Don‟t show doubt by saying such things as, “It seems what you need,” or “Perhaps this will do,” “Maybe - .” Be specific! Direct! Positive! Confident!

Often the other person indicates when you take his “temperature” that he wants to hear more, or “see others,” or “get a lower price.” If the prospect is sincere, he will use such language as:

“I don‟t like this particular style.” “That isn‟t quite what I want.”

“Haven‟t you something a little smaller?” “Isn‟t there something at a lower price?” “What other colors does this come in?”

When you hear these “sincere” remarks, show more, give more information, or quote other prices – or compromise in some way. The person wants to buy, but is not “sold” on the particular things you have offered up to that moment. Here are a few statements used by timid people and hesitant buyers, those who need just a little more push before they will buy. Don‟t confuse these people with the people who really want to see a greater display of your wares. These hesitant people will say:

“Well, it looks nice, but I don‟t know.” “That‟s a little more than I thought of paying.”

“Isn‟t that pretty expensive?” “Is that the best you can do?” “Do many people buy this make?”

These people want you to “sell” them a little harder. Their statements, as you can readily see, are weak. After taking the temperature of a person and getting one of these remarks, drive for a close. The sale is practically made!

P. 58

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