Tested Sentences That Sell - Authorify

Help Customers Make Decisions

Give the customers help. They need it to make decisions. Help the customer make up her mind. Make the decision for this hesitant customer by giving her reasons for buying what you want to sell her. Often we can get a quick decision by moving the article to some other part of the store, or by showing the silver on a table set up with a table cloth, or by showing the coat on a model, or by showing the car out in the street, away from other models. When price is the objection, state the objection, make sure it is the ONLY objection, and then set about to show that price is small after all, and close on this key issue. Say, “Is the price your only reason for not buying?” Get the customer to agree that it is, and then show the savings in maintenance, in electricity, in upkeep, in gasoline mileage, and so on. Often when price is the big obstacle, a review of the owner benefits will make the price seem reasonable after all. When price is quoted, review the benefits, and the price diminishes.

“Why Do You Think The Price Is High?”

A good “Tested Selling Sentence” to use when price is brought up as the main objection is, “Why do you think the price is high?” This causes the objector to try to explain why he thinks the price is high. It puts him on the defensive. He finds i t difficult to tell you why. It gives you time to think. And in many cases when he hears his reason, it is so humble, simple, and ridiculous-sounding that he is sorry he brought it up, and he will often say, “Oh, I guess the price is all right after all. Wrap it up.” That “why” system is effective. Try it to meet any kind of objection. It is a hard one for the prospect to overcome. Get the customer to tell you why the price is too high. You then have something on which to continue the sale. Always get the customer‟s alibis or excuses. The art of quoting price is simple once you have mastered these few simple rules. Price is the most important objection to overcome in any sale, and if you are a good closer you will be a winner!

Smooth out the way you quote price. Don‟t bring the fountain pen and pad into sudden view. Be tactful. This is the critical part of any sale.

Learn this technique of quoting price. It will pay you BIG returns.

The selling word is always mightier than the price tag.

P. 64

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