when looking for a loan and getting pre-approved, is to take your time, shop around, and don’t automatically go with the first rate or the first option given to you. There any many banks and mortgage- lending companies, with different rates and options, out there. Do a little research and digging to find the best rate and option that works for you and your needs. If you don’t know where to start, ask your real estate agent. He or she will have a plethora of knowledge and experience when it comes to lenders, and can give you advice, some dos and don’ts, mention banks or lenders to avoid, as well as make suggestions and put you in contact with an experienced, competent, renowned, and reliable mortgage lender who will work with you to get you the best available rate. If you do find a great rate, secure it and lock it in, in case the market takes a turn for the worse. You don’t want to end up missing out on a good rate, or leaving it up to chance, hoping the market stays more or less even, when everything changes, and suddenly you’re paying more interest on your mortgage than you can afford. Now we can move into the negotiation process, which is a major part of the home-buying process. This is when having a great buyer’s agent really comes in handy!
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