Charles McShan - untitled

• Be careful with big purchases. Although it might be tempting, avoid charging your credit cards with thousands of dollars for furniture, appliances, and décor right away, especially for items that aren’t necessary. These actions can look suspicious and threaten the deal, as the lender could suspect you’re using funds reserved for mortgage payments • Be responsible and on time. Turn in all required paperwork on time. Don’t be late to the closing — make sure you have time to review the closing statement carefully. • Report extra income. If you’ve received money from family or friends, this must be cleared with the lender earlier in the home-buying process, otherwise these amounts can be considered as debt. • Be careful about your employment. If you suddenly change jobs or switch positions during the home-buying process, the lender might call the whole thing off, as the original deal was made with your employment and level of income in mind, especially if the move from full time to part time, or from a salary to a commission-based income.


You’ve signed the papers. The deal is done. The house is officially yours. What now? This is the best part. Now you take the keys, and start moving into your new home! Now you get to put the home- search and home-buying process behind you, and start focusing on what’s ahead: homeownership in the property you want, at a price you can afford. The excitement of organizing for the move is here, and after you’ve moved in, you can finally relax and enjoy your new home.


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