Charles McShan - untitled

Here are some top tips you can use/follow to help you find a great buyer’s agent.


• Contact and interview. • Find an agent with knowledge of the area. • Research the agent’s level of experience. • Choose an agent with the right credentials. • Look at the agent’s recent home sales and current listings. • Reach out to the agent’s recent clients.

Tip 1: Contact and Interview

The first step to finding and hiring the right real estate agent is to actually contact one. You can do some research online, but it’s not hard to find local agents just by going for a walk or taking a drive or the bus in your neighborhood. Real estate agents get clients through successful sales and client referrals, but also through advertising, as mentioned above (public spaces, direct mail, online, etc.). So, you need to start out by contacting one. Don’t worry, even if you are, real estate agents are not shy and do not hide their lights under bushels. One way to find a good local agent is to simply drive around your areas of choice looking at the “for sale” signs. Who is the agent selling them? Better yet, which agents have the most “Sold” signs in the neighborhood? Once you’ve got a decent list in hand, you are ready to start contacting them. You can start by simply mentioning you are looking to buy your first home, and you’d like to retain the services of a qualified and experienced real estate agent. Of course, their responses are


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