Charles McShan - untitled

CHAPTER 8 Home-Buying Horror Stories

You might assume that once you’ve followed all the steps and tips, and avoided all the common home buyer’s mistakes, as outlined and described in Chapters 1 through 6, that things should go smoothly and successfully from here on out. Unfortunately, while it’s understandable that even once you’ve found the right home for the right price, things can still be complicated, lengthy, or even go awry, many home buyers aren’t aware of or prepared for things to go wrong — I mean very wrong, as in “horror story”-level wrong. Sure, you’ve probably heard of these types of situations, perhaps in the news or on T.V. reality shows, or from a friend of a friend. But be warned. That’s right. Real estate horror stories can and do happen, on both sides of the market. There are things you, as a buyer, can do to protect yourself (hiring a great buyer’s agent is one of the best things you can do), but it’s important to be aware. Home buyers, whether they’re first-timers or in the market for a second or even third home, can be victims of real-life horror stories from the buyer’s perspective. Read on for a few examples.


Here’s an example that clearly shows why you need to do your research before hiring an agent. According to a story on the Omaha Homes for Sale blog, as reported on Creative Real Estate Online, listing agent Troy Trumm just wanted to get his clients the best deal possible when


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