not be able to qualify for a loan. Or, your current home might not sell for an amount that allows you to buy the replacement house you’ve set your heart on. You could end up renting or buying something else that’s far from ideal. Before deciding to sell the house, get preapproved by a trusted lender. Do some research on your prospective housing market to get a good idea how much you’re likely to spend. Make plans in case you need to move immediately.


It’s wasted effort to show your home to someone who can’t buy it. An example is the seller who spent two weeks preparing his home for an acquaintance who wanted to buy it. The seller spent $1,000 removing an old shed and met with the prospect several times to discuss price and terms. It was well into the process when the seller found out the prospect couldn’t qualify for a loan. Real estate agents spend considerable effort weeding unqualified buyers in order to avoid pointless showings.


Lurking sellers make buyers nervous. Whenever possible, don’t be home when showing. This is impossible or impractical if you’re selling the home yourself, though. Buyers may feel they’re intruding and then rush through. They could be hesitant to talk about changes to the home or features they don’t like. They’ll feel uncomfortable closely inspecting the house in front of the owners. It’s easier for buyers to visualize themselves in the home when they’re able to walk through and discuss it on their own. If you must be home, try to stay out of the way and answer questions only when asked.


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