Testimonials & Reviews for Timothy E. Lockhart y E. Lockhart

Here’s a list of a few of the people whom I have helped buy or sell a home, and what they said about working with me: "I hired Tim to be my mentor in February of this year and have been very pleased with it. Even though financing is offered for the program I recovered the purchase price of the program with my first flip! I really needed Tim's disciplined approach to sticking with the lessons and holding me accountable. I remember Tim asking me what was my income goal for the year. When I told him the number, he looked at me and said that was way too low. Well, as of June of this year (in only 5 months) I have netted over $100,000. I have never been in this place before. I know this sounds unbelievable, but with the help of the Real IMPACT Training I was able to make more sound choices. The lessons I have learned are remarkable. I do actively work my program even though it gets quite busy sometimes. Almost on a daily basis I get calls from people inquiring about what I do. I plan on rehabbing a house every six weeks. However, I do turn down some properties. If you are serious about your investment business, you need to study and take action. Every successful person had a teacher, coach or mentor to guide them along the way. The Real IMPACT Mentoring Program is the program that will help me reach my ultimate goal.” - Cathy D. Real Estate Investor "Tim did a fabulous job with selling my Mother's home for us after she passed away. We had another realtor that had the property listed for 6 months and he did nothing. He only called two times to discuss activity with the property and the second time was 2 weeks before the contract was to expire. So glad I found Tim. He stayed in contact with me and got busy and sold it. He knows what he is doing and on top of that he is a nice 95

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