average cost on sunroom additions ran around $16,315.

You must also take into consideration that buyers may not have the same taste as you — and even if they do, they only see the finished product and will have little understanding of or interest in what went into creating it. That brings out the need for a slightly deeper understanding of the way these statistics play out in real life. For example, a roof replacement is often cited as having a high ROI. While this can be true, it is important to understand this in context. After all, others assert that a new roof does nothing to add market value to a home. How do you square these seemingly contradictory statements? A roof is a bit like a bass player in a rock band; you should only really notice it when it isn’t doing its job. That is, a roof is not something you think about unless it is leaking or has a colony of moss growing on it. Therefore, while a bad roof can certainly detract from a home’s value, a solid, trouble-free roof is simply expected. Its chief value as a seller is how it may favorably compare with other, similar homes with older roofs that are showing clear signs of wear. Do not replace your roof with an eye toward selling unless your home clearly needs it. One caveat to include is that roofing items like energy-efficient architectural shingles with a transferable warranty may be highly attractive to the right buyer. Also remember that more money spent does not necessarily mean a bigger return. Going back to the kitchen example, a relatively minor remodel of $20,000 yields a much higher ROI than a $55,000 remodel.


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