hope to capture the elegance of the area, but bear in mind that unless you are sourcing the materials (and a vineyard to boot), there will always be something inauthentic about channeling Europe in another region of the world. White Appliances If your appliances are white, it is time to upgrade. White may have been at one time a color of choice to emphasize a spotless home (everything shows up on white!), but that is precisely the problem. Home buyers will subconsciously feel the toil associated with wiping every surface down, or see lingering stains that will never come out. In addition, plastic materials fade over time, turning into a non-uniform yellow. Instead, choose black or stainless steel appliances. Wallpaper Wallpaper makes a bold statement in a home. However, that same boldness may put off buyers, especially if the wallpaper is cheap, old, or common. In addition, removing wallpaper is a labor-intensive process that can also put off potential home buyers, especially considering that the removal of older wallpaper may damage the walls and create more headaches. Moreover, wallpaper can be a source of undetected mold growth. Stick with paint instead. Carpeted Bathrooms There may have been a time when stepping across the master bedroom and onto an icy cold tiled floor made a carpeted bathroom seem like a brilliant idea, but that time is over. That’s what bathmats are for. Carpets and water in the same place is simply asking for mold growth or damage. Some modern homes have heated floorings, which is a huge selling point to potential home buyers and far preferable to the hygiene nightmare of a carpeted bathroom.

Gaudy Gold Fixtures and Hardware


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