responsibility of maintaining a vacant house can be a burden that you may not be prepared to endure. If the house goes to probate, even if there are no residents, the property must be maintained. The property taxes, insurance premiums, utilities, homeowners association fees, and other ongoing costs must be paid by someone. Depending on how long the probate period lasts, families may need to pay for many months of maintenance, along with the legal fees and other expenses connected to owning and selling the property. At the end of the probate, you will also have to go through the effort and expenditure of repairing and selling the home. Under such conditions, if your benefits are lower than your commitments, it may be wisest to simply sell the home to investors.


Disputes among siblings or legal heirs over the settlement of inherited property are common. Often, disputes over a property are dominated by past issues of sibling rivalry and are a fight for dominance. In the absence of parental guidance, adult siblings are left to face the scenario of ambiguity or disagreements over their rightful role. It is essential that you work to ensure that disputes and disagreements do not lead to litigation. Litigation will only worsen the situation by causing issues with family members, and creating uncertainty and wasting time waiting for legal issues to be settled, as well as the usual expense and aggravation associated with legal hearings. The tremendous cost involved in litigation is certainly a wasteful expenditure. Litigation is not the peacemaker’s choice—prevent it whenever you possibly can. This situation can be avoided. By keeping the emotional heat down and a compromising frame of mind in the forefront, there


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