However, many sellers believe a quick vacuum once they have packed up all the stuff is enough to call the place clean. A house on the market must sparkle to the point where it does not appear as if it has ever been lived in. Buyers are looking for a fresh start in their home-buying experience and will turn away from anything not meeting their “fresh start” expectations. Bear in mind that moving furniture out of the house exposes all floor and wall areas. Keep up with cleaning on a regular basis for however long it takes to sell. The buyer will use the sense of smell as much as sight in viewing the house. Eliminate all pet and food odors. Make sure the place smells fresh at all times. Keep the home aired out by opening windows every few days, and invest in plug-in air fresheners for a longer lasting effect. Keep the home smelling fresh and well- maintained, rather than musty and deserted. Bad smells can be evidence of deeper problems, such as mold or mildew. If you smell either, try finding the source of the moisture and act to remove the problem. You may need to call a professional if there is a cracked foundation, water leak, or roof leakage. Using a dehumidifier to keep the moisture level down in a place that stays damp and dark is a good idea. Scrubbing smelly areas of the house using boric acid, white vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide is an effective way to get rid of the smell. Once done, don’t forget to ventilate the rooms with fans or open windows, or keep the air conditioning on. Opening the windows and letting the sunshine in will also help reduce the smell of these musty areas. Zeolite powder is also an effective way to deodorize smells in the house. It is reusable and long-lasting. Charcoal is another substance that can be used to deodorize. Baking soda is also a safe and effective way to combat musty odors in the house. You can do so by spraying baking


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