each other and whomever they came in contact with to help with the estate. They had spoken to a probate attorney who referred another real estate agent "Bill" to them. Bill had been in the business for only about three years, had a total of only nine closings and was working in real estate part-time. The probate attorney was trying to help Bill grow his business. Bill admitted he did not know the probate process, was not familiar with how homes going through probate will demand different buyers and told Michael all homes will sell eventually so don't worry about it. Michael asked Bill to meet with his brother and sister as well to review the current situation. Bill responded, "well you are the only one that needs to sign the docs so I really don't have to meet with Curt and Kim." Michael did not feel right about Bill's experience and attitude. They needed somone to listen to them, to explain options, to discuss ways to save and make the most money possible with their deceased parent's most important asset, the family home. They were hurting and didn't feel as though they had anywhere to go for guidance. They needed more support. The probate attorney would give them bits of information, as needed, but it just was not enough. They needed a caring, experienced and motivated real estate professional. Rob was up to the task and rose to the occasion. Rob is a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist and over the last 20+ years in the business has helped countless people get through the real estate duties of the probate process. Rob told Michael, Curt and Kim his main goals were to make it as comfortable as possible for them, develop a plan and help them keep as much money as possible from the estate. Rob did have a connection with the family that dated back over 30 years ago from high school. They have seen Rob's accomplishments,
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