mainly through social media and word of mouth, over the years so they trusted him. One of the first things Rob did is ask for a "family meeting." At that meeting Rob showed compassion and respect for their parents and explained how sorry he was about everything they are going through. This made Michael, Curt and Kim feel comfortable. They truly appreciated the sincere empathy. Rob then explained that they would go through a "Discovery Process" to understand where they are now and where they want to go with this situation. Some of the questions were: • Who will be responsible for maintaining the home? • What is the biggest challenge you have encountered so far in the process? • What are your plans for the home? Tenant? Family living there? • When was the last time you saw the inside of the property? • Do you need help with carpet cleaning, trash removal? • How far along are you in the process? • Are you working with a probate experienced attorney? • Have you had the property appraised? • What do you feel you need help with? • Will we need to winterize the home or will utilities be able to stay on? • Are there items other than the house that need to be sold, donated, liquidated? • What are we willing to do so that the home doesn’t appear vacant? • Is the house still insured and if so, does the insurance company know it’s vacant?


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