Jack Lees - Expired V2 Book

address. Many buyers need to hire an inspector, so you may even be saving them a step, nudging them toward making an offer on your home. Having antiquated wiring and plumbing replaced is not cheap. If you do have mechanical issues, and decide to sell your home as is, it might be necessary to drop your selling price. Turning to a real estate agent for a professional opinion can help. Just like the extra bedroom step, it pays to know what competition you’re facing. You can also choose to wait, and negotiate with certain buyers—for example, you might get lucky, and find some interested in remodeling and renovating, or some with certifications in the necessary areas, etc. In these cases, you can get away with lowering your price. Regardless, if you’re unable to update and repair, be honest, upfront, and flexible. A truly interested buyer will always work you. If you can update, highlight fixes you can handle. Then, note any fixes requiring professional work. Finally, note anything you wish you could fix. Start with the easiest items, and then work down the list. Remember the 80/20 rule, and focus your efforts on the updates and repairs that bring the greatest returns on your investment!


• Details can help homes sell faster. • Consider what in your home can be changed, added, improved, or fixed. • Changes don’t have to be time-consuming or expensive to be effective. • Use the 80/20 rule to determine which changes will increase your home’s value the most.


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