Jack Lees - Expired V2 Book

professional way you can.

Not everyone thinks and feels the same way about objects and decorations, so try to keep it functional and professional. Most of all, make sure you keep an appropriate tone always, no matter what questions and comments potential buyers make. You should never use threats, ultimatums, or an inappropriate tone.

Remember: It’s not always what you say, but how you say it.


It’s surprising how common this mistake is, since real estate transactions are ALL about negotiation. From your agent’s commission and what you leave in the house for the new owner, all the way to the final selling price of your house, everything is under discussion and therefore subjected to negotiation.


We’ve talked about the role emotions play in buying and selling a home, but let it be said again: Don’t let yourself be overcome by negative emotions, even if the potential buyer makes an inappropriate comment or an insulting lowball offer. Keep your cool. Remember, while this offer can be a far cry from what you want to get for the house, it still signals that the buyer is actually interested in the property.

This is not the final offer, but the actual start of the negotiation.

Don’t hesitate to make a second and third offer, even if these offers are much closer to the price you want. This signals to the


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