BRENDA KIELBRATOWSKI, REALTOR® - Selling with Confidence: Your Halifax Home Selling Guide to Top Dollar

Negotiation is an art form. When negotiating your deal, I will work to achieve your goals while making the buyer feel that they also got a fair shake. A successful negotiation is a strategic alliance with both buyer and seller feeling satisfied. If not, the deal is more likely to fall on emotion rather than intellect. As emotion

goes up intelligence often times go down.

Sometimes negotiation will involve getting the buyer to see beyond dollars and cents. It is quite possible that the buyer’s agent did a poor job of advising their client of your home’s true value. For this reason, I will sometimes craft a custom letter reemphasizing the features, benefits and upgrades, and our pricing strategy, proving that your home is worth what we are asking. This strategy often reignites the fire in the buyer by getting them to see how they will also win by accepting our counter offer. A proper understanding of the facts helps the buyer to move forward with the home they want, at the price you want. I often tell the buyer’s agent if their buyer is being particularly stuck on paying under market value, they are devaluing an asset that will be theirs! We all know with the information available online today that buyers know what a seller paid for the home. If you push for paying less than market value it may bite you in the wallet when you go to sell. Negotiating your home sale does not have to be intimidating. By learning how real estate negotiations work and how to apply proven techniques, you can get the price you want from the buyers.


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