Authorify Seller Sample Book


You have enjoyed living in your home for years; however, you’ve decided to move on. Don’t let emotional attachments to the home affect how you price it. Memorable moments spent in your home are priceless—literally, because they do nothing to add to the selling price! Selling your home is a business transaction between a qualified buyer and you. The most objective listing price will come from the CMA provided by your real estate agent, subsequently refined by negotiation with a qualified buyer. It’s also unrealistic to add dollars because of the labor spent making the house into your home; the new owner neither benefits from, nor cares about, your efforts. By focusing on the CMA results and maintaining a business-like and professional attitude, you can keep emotions at bay.


Whether you plan to repair any faults in the house before listing or leave them undone, obtain estimates for necessary or desirable repairs, and get them from more than one source. This will give you leverage in negotiations since you know exactly how much the repairs will cost.


Keeping utility services on will prevent weather damage. Additionally, a house without lights is difficult to show and


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