Authorify Seller Sample Book

kids are grown and gone, a couple might be looking for a way to declutter their lives and downsize. There’s also the situation in which a marriage is ending in divorce and the couple must face the reality of selling what is often the single largest asset of the union. If home shoppers can picture themselves living in the home, the home will be easier to sell. This is sometimes known as “interior curb appeal,” where the eyes are drawn to inviting spaces and light, as well as to unique features. Each room needs a purpose or suggested use. The home must feel new to reflect ease of upkeep. The goal is to create a clean, simple, and contemporary feel. Painting, updating fixtures, and eliminating stained carpets and popcorn ceilings can affect the saleability of the home by 75 percent! Staging the Outdoor Spaces has become much more critical as “outdoor entertaining” is hot! Forty-nine percent of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyers view of the home. Seventy-seven percent of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home. Buyers were more willing to walk through a home they saw online (40 percent), and buyers’ agents identified that staging would positively influence the home value if the HOME-STAGING STATISTICS


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