Authorify Seller Sample Book

development will also affect the appraisal.


We’ve seen that there’s no calculable certainty in setting the value of a home. There can be wide differences between the seller’s assessed price, the asking or listing (market price value), and the price at which the home sells (sale price). A market in which homes sell within six months of listing is considered balanced or neutral, meaning enough home owners are selling and customers buying that neither has an advantage. A variable, such as a major retailer entering or leaving the area, will tip the scale toward sellers to make a “fast” market or toward buyers to create a “slow” one. The average time in a fast market might be 30 days, and the average time in a slow market could be a year. Typically, any number below six months is considered a seller’s market. Let’s touch on what the home owner/seller can do to elicit offers at the listing price, or even above, in a competitive market. As mentioned earlier, the partnership between seller and real estate agent will make an enormous difference in results. The agent can professionally market a house, bring in a qualified prospect, and then the deal is blown because the seller didn’t clear his garage of his taxidermy hobby during a critical showing. Or because the snow isn’t cleared, or because the walls are painted kind of “funky.”


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