by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

My Mexico Gastric sleeve surgery story in Tijuana, Mexico

So, I was up to almost 300 pounds and my diabetes was bad, I was going downhill fast. I was injecting several shots of insulin every day and my fasting glucose still was over 200, all of the time. I looked into several types of gastro surgeries but everything was so expensive, almost $20,000 for the surgical treatments. Well on the internet I found a doctor in Tijuana Mexico who was doing the gastric sleeve for $3,800. Definitely crazy but I flew out to San Diego where they picked me up along with four large women and they drove us across the border to the Jerusalem Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico. Instead of a typical hospital we pulled into a strip mall with a very small store front squeezed in between a cell phone store and a locksmith. I was thinking that this was probably not going to work out very well but I also realized that either way I was going to die. Either by my diabetes and obesity or in this tiny "Jerusalem Hospital" in Tijuana, Mexico.


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