by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

On the obstacle course was a cool looking rope swing, down a slight hill and over a 12" thick tree log. All you have to do is hang on and pick your feet up to go over the log. Well, in a moment of incredible insanity (or stupidity) I didn't get my legs up and I hit the log right smack in the middle of my shins.

This is how you are supposed to do it, Dadgummit!

That was over 50 years ago and my shins are still tender to the touch. It made it extra painful to play my next three years of

high school football since it seemed like someone would kick my shins, several times, every game. I don't think I fractured the bones but I never did go to the doctor for a check up or x-ray. Now that I think about it I didn't go to the doctor when I fell off the cliff in the Grand Canyon either. I am starting to see a pattern here! The jamboree was incredible but the highlight occurred on July 20, 1969. The date of the Apollo 11 moon landing!

We were camping, thousands of us spread out in the valley surrounded by the beautiful Rocky Mountains. There was no internet in 1969, no cell phones, we didn't even

have our little transistor radios. Just by luck a Park Ranger pulled up in his pick-up truck and turned his radio up loud so that we could gather around and listen to Walter Cronkite's


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