AFY Jim Dilley - FSBO V1 Book

You might find it advantageous to add a box or tube to your sign for fliers with more information on your home. Keep these fliers handy, because you’re likely to run out more than once. Before you construct any signs rivaling a billboard, check out any signage restrictions in your community. Using listing services and internet ads. Even if you aren’t a computer guru, you can likely handle posting your home with various online listing services. Often, you get more space for details at a cheaper price than with printed publications. Many sites are available to help you market your home for sale. A qualified real estate agent will know precisely which ones to choose for your home and for the area in which you live. You can go with the freebies, such as Craigslist and Facebook, but beware of scammers. There are also places such as Zillow, Trulia, and, which will advertise your home for a fee. Those programs that add your home to the Multiple Listing Service sometimes offer additional help with things such as paperwork and pricing. Of course, those services cost extra. Compiling information packets. Often overlooked, information packets can really help when you want potential buyers to remember your wonderful home more than anyone else’s wonderful home.


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