AFY Jim Dilley - FSBO V1 Book

Once you ask if he’d like to come by and look, you’ll have a hard time explaining that he needs to wait until another day. Keep your house in top-notch shape so that interested folks can come by anytime without you suffering embarrassment or jeopardizing a sale. If you are welcoming buyers’ agents to show your home, invest in a lockbox. This will allow you to leave the premises while the agents show your home, and will give them a secure way to enter. An open house means advertising all over the place that anyone who wants to have a look at your lovely home may do so at such and such time and on such and such date. Your most successful open houses will likely be on weekends between noon and 5:00 p.m. To draw an adequate number of viewers, publicize it like mad. Put out plenty of high-quality signs for people searching for your home to follow. As guests arrive, give the grand tour of your home as if it were Buckingham Palace. STEP 4: HOSTING AN OPEN HOUSE


Sign-In Sheets: This is very handy for knowing who came to your home, how to contact them, and whether they’re working with an agent. Keep several sheets near your entrance with plenty of pens, and ask each visitor to sign in.


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