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You will have peace of mind that you downsized before it was too late — that you didn’t wait too long to organize yourself and your home, declutter, and get rid of possessions you no longer need. You won’t have to worry about doing this in the future when you’re older and/or in poor health, and having to leave all the work for your grown children. Downsizing also brings security. You’ll have financial security in the sense that you were hopefully able to make a profit and enjoy increased cashflow to help you throughout your retirement. The security also comes in knowing that you’ve successfully sold your home and you’re going to be OK as you age, whether you’ve downsized into a smaller house, condo, apartment, or community living.

And, as I’ve already pointed out, you will have more time and less stress.


There are plenty of options when you’re looking to downsize and live a simpler, more carefree and stress-free lifestyle, and you need to consider these options carefully. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to deciding where you should move after selling your house. The decision will depend on a variety of factors, including your budget, your family situation, your lifestyle, and your needs and wants.

Some living situations suit a certain type of homeowner more than others. So, read through these next few chapters of the book


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