Smart Agents magazine - Subscriber Sample

THE COLLABORATIVE MINDSET: There Are No Secrets… The mindset shift toward this collaborative attitude was something that Rick found freeing, like a weight coming off his shoulders:

It's an abundance mindset. And my wife taught me this: it's really hard to receive with clenched fists. As an independent broker, I used to have clenched fists. Nobody could get my stuff. It was my stuff because, to build my independent brokerage, I had to be the best and I had to keep all my trade secrets. Well, there are no secrets, people! It's all real estate, and it's been done before. So when you go to the market with open hands instead of clenched fists, that information can flow freely back and forth. And as you're giving, you're receiving. And what I found at EXP is that I cannot give away as much information as I receive. I'm poured into so much, and I receive so much free coaching and training and collaboration and support and the ability to up my game. I received so much of that that I can't give it away fast enough.


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