Authorify Sample Book

empty for months, and the banks typically have no knowledge of their condition.

The bank missed a full-price sale and lost $33,000. The property was acres of raw pasture. There were no unseen problems with it. The buyer had lived down the road from it for years and was very familiar with it. He submitted their asking price, and the bank accepted it. He saved $33,000 because the bank’s agent didn’t perform well and substantially underpriced the property. The bank suffered a significant loss.


There are times when pricing adjustments may need to be considered. For instance, let’s look at Tim and Sue’s situation.

Comparable Home A: $368,000 Comparable Home B: $349,000 Tim and Sue’s Home: $345,000 Comparable Home C: $345,000 Comparable Home D: $333,000 Comparable Home E: $329,000

Tim and Sue appear to have priced their home competitively for the market. Over the next month, the market changes.

Comparable Home A: Expired Tim and Sue’s Home: $345,000


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