by Rick Davis - This Incredible Adventure Called Life

I thrived in that environment helping wealthy and successful people twice my age with their planning. My first full year I qualified for the prestigious "Million Dollar Round Table" and was mentioned in their national advertising brochure above.

It was a great job, I loved it!

Unfortunately the OPEC Oil Embargo and our dear President Jimmy Carter lost control of inflation and the 3% return on a whole life policy was destroyed because the highest CD rates in history went to 15.911 % in December 1981. Home mortgage rates averaged about 8.85% at the onset of the Carter administration in 1977. However, by the end of Carter's presidency in 1981, home mortgage rates averaged a whopping 16.64%. This resulted in my having to switch to the investment strategy called "Buy Term and Invest the Difference" I started focusing on selling term life insurance and investing, in 153

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