Another townhouse seller (in the same complex) found a different unique feature. He didn’t have a yard, but he was still able to use his location to his advantage. His property backed up to a lake and fountain. That extra feature helped him sell his townhouse quickly, and for a great price to boot.


Don’t create an advertisement similar to every other house in the area. Instead, turn a spotlight on something different, something unique, something special, about your home and property. You will attract interested buyers—interested buyers will want to come see your home and are often willing to pay full price. As a result, you’ll stop wasting time showing to people who are not interested in your home specifically. Instead, you’ll be showing your home to buyers who are motivated to make a purchase. You won’t have to show quite so often. You also won’t have to sift through lowball offers from apathetic buyers. Less stress for you! With that in mind, it’s important to highlight your home’s most attractive and interesting features. Compare your home to other houses in the neighborhood to see what makes yours different.


Each house will have its own unique features. You may already have some in mind for yours. If not, these ideas should help: • Hilltop views are an excellent defining feature. Like the example from earlier, a high vantage point comes with a spectacular view of the surrounding area. • Maybe your home looks out on an open field frequented by wildlife. Many people would appreciate that view. 21

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