Mark Slade - MoreMoney

• Place mirrors, paintings, and art objects sparsely in the room to add more dimension and depth. • Create conversational areas by arranging the furniture in a vignette style. Staging your living room is important in prospective buyers seeing themselves in your home because it’s generally where company will be entertained. Even if you don’t have many furniture items staged in there, it helps to give the buyer a mental image of what they would do with their furniture, random items, and how they will see themselves within the room. Giving a buyer a perfect mental picture of how they would do things and how they would entertain guests within the living room is vital to a good offer, and will help you sell your home a lot faster. THE IMPORTANCE OF TRAFFIC AREAS

In staging your home, it’s important to keep traffic areas in mind, which need to be kept open to allow a good, natural flow. Traffic areas are self-explanatory, being the areas where people travel through a space, the areas that will be walked through the most, and the areas where you’ll be showcasing your living room the most, so make the most of it!

If you have carpeted floors, then traffic areas will have already shown because of the years of traffic while you lived there. Therefore, if there are traffic lines within your carpeted areas of your living room, be prepared to replace the carpet or stage the room so they don’t show. With the proper amount of furniture and planning, traveling throughout your living roomwill be free of blemishes and will ensure the buyer can have a perfect mental image of where they would place their belongings.


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